Friday, April 20, 2007

we're back... did you miss us???

Just back from a lovely couple of days down the South Coast. Our first holiday, just the 4 of us. It was nice to just relax and do nothing. Josiah and Mark had lots of adventures on the sand, the rocks, in the bush, seeing all sorts of wildlife - kangaroos, snakes, crabs, fish, mosquitos...

Another song was written ...

kangaroo poo

kangaroo poo

I got stuck in the kangaroo poo

Zoe and I sat on the beach, Zoe slept in the tiger tent and I took photos of the boys or did nothing. Lots of reading was done, DVDs were watched, food was eaten, shells and rocks collected, sand collected in all our stuff. Now theres piles of washing to do. But it was a lovely time away!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

little kids go to the big city

Josiah loved the ferry ride and Zoe loved playing in the park!

Japan Team Reunion

Yesterday we had a Japan Team reunion with a whole bunch of friends who were in Tokyo for the same era together! Kylie (Sydney), Lisa (Wollongong), Cab (Blue Mountains), Val (Vic), Georgi (Vic), Kev and Loz (who made the whole thing happen by flying over from Perth), Beck (Newcastle), Sam (Val's boyfriend, Vic), Nat (Newcastle) and us!!

We met at Circular Quay, ate lunch in the Botanical Gardens, the boys climbed a massive tree, caught a ferry to Darling Harbour, hung about. Everybody loved catching up with Josiah, who didn't remember everyone of course! And loved seeing Zoe. Kev and Loz are 14 weeks pregnant! Very exciting! Josiah loved the ferry ride too, a little queezy though I think.

It was so good to catch up with all our old friends and sit and laugh about the good old days!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Gee Cell BBQ

We had an awesome time last night with the Gees' cells! There was a whole tribe of us! Lots of sausages, water balloons, splashes, silly pass the parcel dares! Great to hang out together guys and girls!! Together we can change the world!!!!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Happy Easter!!