Sunday, October 7, 2007

Happy Birthday Josiah


Josiah turns 3 today!! He is still my baby:) Poor thing, has been sick for a few days. He didn't want to have a birthday today because he was having too much fun - I think its all been a bit too exciting for him. We had a party with a racing car cake (needed 100 times more food colouring!) at South Bank and had a bit of a picnic with the Burrells and the Burrells and the Neales. Josiah slept on the rug most of the time :( Off to Australia Zoo on Tuesday!! Can't wait:)
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1 comment:

LOUD? said...

impressive cake. between you and danielle, i look really lazy....

sorry to hear josiah wasnt well.

we missed you guys in sydney.

we will be down again in 4 weeks!