Wednesday, March 28, 2007

diving into the river

a tree planted by the rivers of living water
theres nothing it can do to grow
the only thing that will stop it growing is cutting it down, taking away its water supply, or uprooting it
but in and of itself, it can't stop itself from growing and being who it was designed to be when it was first planted as a seed
it will grow taller and higher into the sky
the black cockatoos and rainbow lorikeets will feast each day in its leaves
its shade will shade backyards where children play, gardens where fruit grows, and will take the heat for a little while for men mowing the lawn on a hot saturday
if it stays where it is, next to the cool flowing living water, drenching its roots in the life giving minerals, it will grow, just as it is destined to grow.
so is the woman or man who drenches themselves, delights in, dwells in the word of God
they will be prosper, be fruitful and successful in whatever they stretch out their branches to achieve
(Psalm 1)

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