Friday, March 9, 2007

Visit to Grandma & Grandpa's

We visited Grandma and Grandpa today. Uncle Bill was there too. I think Zoe has a bit of Grandpa's red hair. Grandpa was pretty chipper, but Grandma's not feeling so good. Pray for her.
Uncle Bill showed us how he does the felting on teddy bears. I should have taken a photo of that too - pretty interesting:)
Josiah played with Grandma's lego. I think we should buy him some small lego to play with, he gets right into it.


LOUD? said...

Cool visit.

I have never seen Grandpa with red hair!

We have Duplo, the kids love it. The boys play Lego @ my parents, but we haven't branched into it yet.

Colleen said...

Grandpa loves playing with the kids. zoe has grown in a week